Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I dare you to tell the truth...

I was blessed this weekend with being able to go to the British Virgin Islands, or, as they say, "the only Virgin Islands!" for a weekend consultation and meetings. It started pretty slow, with a long leisurely ferry ride through Drake's passage among the islands, but wow did it pick up. God has a strange way or working the greatest healing in the hardest situations, and i think St. Mary's on Virgin Gorda is a prime example of that grace. Here's a church that (in my words, no offense meant) has been handicapped by their previous clergy. No one in church knows how to train acolytes. No one in church knows what to do with confirmation. Or how to provide a pastoral support to those in the community who are hurting. WHY?
...because our clergy sometimes let their ego's get in the way? Or maybe they believe they're being paid for this work, so they have to do their job by themselves...either way, it's a common problem in our church today (in no way is StMary's the exception...she's the rule)...lay people are reduced to participants in a show put on by priests (or bishops to be completely fair) and look to the clergy leadership to provide "everything i need for my spiritual well-being."
If you are a priest, wake up! Christ came here to fight against the boundary set up between God and her people by priests, remember? Empower, teach, enrich, make sure that life goes on and people are better for knowing you in the end. Don't try to build your kingdom with stone and endowments, build it with people's hearts.
And if you are a church goer, I DARE you to tell the truth about how your faith feels after being with your church community. Are you really fed? Do you hunger and thirst for the deep spiritual truth of your life, only to be satisfied with an hour or two on Sunday, sitting in a pew, watching a religious pageant?
Get up, take your mat, and go home, then
Otherwise, enjoy the show as we all watch our church die.
As for me, i'm throwing myself into St. Mary's and will hopefully give them something that means they won't need me, or anyone, to do these things for them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Roger!! It's Kathleen :) We met this weekend. I'm subscribing to your blog!! Hope you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

So, it's kind of amazing when you read something that describes exactly how you feel in the words you could never say. I'm telling the truth, when I say that my church feels Godless most of the time. Or at least, it did, and it hurt, and I'm still in the process of trusting it again. It sounds weird, but I guess I no longer trusted my church setting when Alexis left and basically everything went to hell...but luckily, a summer of healing and a new start has brought a little more God into the church, with a new Youth leader. It's exciting, but i still can't say that I feel God, and my faith has been touched when I sit in those pews.
I just want you to know that you were needed in Ohio, at least you were by me, but I'm happy you are growing and experiencing something you probably never dreamed of. I miss you, Roger!