Friday, October 3, 2008

Been too long!

Busy week...busy. Freakin. Week. Lots of good stuff though, here's are some lessons for you (and me):
1. Who knows how you will be respected by the clergy of an Episcopal School's chapel when you sympathize with the 100+ teenagers "who don't want to be in church!" Who knows? We'll see, i just hope the gentlemen take it easy on me. BUT...if worship doesn't appeal to you, doesn't drive you deeper into the spiritual world, or doesn't challenge your perception of the world, then why go? These poor kids are bored stiff...everywhere i go....i think I'M bored stiff...huh...
2. When will someone come along to save us from ourselves? We are so polite and so hidden away that it is somewhat impossible to talk truly and honestly. If we're lucky, someone will come along who challenges our belief system and we will do one of two things: 1) react defensively at this idiot who is taking away our safety. 2) open up a wellspring of unspoken words that need to be dealt with, regardless of whether they're ugly or beautiful, and lay our lives at the foot of that cross for god to save us because we're so messed up. Surrender to your vulnerability... there is no need to be so tough that it drives others away.
3. Respect is easiest earned by busting your hiney. If you work hard and honestly and don't care who the hell sees you, then respect will come with time. 'nuff said on that.

I'm off to become a parish youth worker again (giddy smiles) and see what i can do with a youth program in a couple months...pray for me to know when to balance and when to say no to people.

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